What it is like being in a long-distance relationship

It is not easy to be in a long-distance relationship. I know as I was in one before with an ex called chevron, he moved to Balclutha at the end of term 1. So our long-distance relationship was shortened. I knew we wouldn’t last as people tend to leave and that is what happened after chevron and I had our third-month anniversary on the 25th of April and on the 26th he broke up with me. He was one of the reasons I dropped out of school now I have to thank him as if he didn’t break up with me I wouldn’t be with Taine who I asked out on the 5th of December 2019. We are still together but Taine live’s in Christchurch and I am in Clinton. Taine and I broke up in April. From Confessions of an everyday girl

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